Sunday, 25 March 2012

Well I figure I should get into the habit of actually making some posts. It's Sunday and some cool shit happened this weekend. On Friday I went to The Soup and Sandwich Shack in Campbell where I go for lunch at work almost every week, I told the owners about my adventure they were pretty stoked on me going. I guess they're retiring right after I leave and I won't be able to have their amazing Mulligatawny soup ever again.

Saturday was our going away party, started drinking at my house with some friends and family, I have some pretty generous relatives and family friends and received some cash. Went to the local watering hole and I was amazed at how many friends showed, especially those from Edmonton and the ones I haven't seen in a while. Luckily Cam showed up despite having to work, and many pints of beer and shots were consumed with my friends and some co-workers.

Sunday I woke up with the worst hangover I've ever had. The one I had after consuming a 26 of Jager in 45 minutes, then passing out on a toilet wasn't this bad. I didn't think I drank that much but I only got out of bed at 12:30 to go for Pho with Colin, Ryan, Nigel, and Catlin. I could barely keep my eyes open, and felt like my soup was going to come up in the parking lot. I immediately went back to bed at 2, and didn't leave all day. Just stayed in watching Anthony Bourdain and The Wire. I also sent Frank Turner, the musician we're seeing in London, an email asking him to play a specific song during his set (Live Fast Die Old). I read that he actually responded personally to emails and tweets, I didn't think I'd here back from him. Amazingly he emailed me back only a few hours later and said he was still figuring out the set list and would see what he could do. It was pretty cool.

This is my last full week of work my attitude towards my job is becoming more and more apathetic and I just don't have the drive. I'm also getting my first tattoo on thursday, I'm incredibly nervous.

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