Friday, 10 August 2012

Kiwi Experience

I started my bus tour yesterday with Kiwi Experience. It's pretty cool so far, but with a new set of people I have to start over again. Plus it's a hop on hop off bus and I'm only doing the minimum of two weeks, so I'll constantly be with different people. Right now I'm one of only two Canadians, the other guy is from Vernon. He's been working at a ski resort for the summer on the South Island. Everyone else is from the UK or Germany. The ratio is really good, theres 30 of us and only 7 guys. It seems like everyone is either at the beginning or end of their journeys as well. It's pretty cool to share stories and travel suggestions, two Scottish guys drove from NYC to LA in 6 weeks. They spent a week in Vegas and only paid 150 for 5 days in a hotel on the strip.

Every stop there's something to do, last night at Hot Water Beach we dug up holes to sit in and the water that seeps up through the beach is incredibly hot. Some were about 70 degrees Celsius, we stood with our feet in and had a few beers discussing the usual backpacker shit. I have to be back in Auckland for a tattoo appointment and to see the All Blacks play, so I only get to spend a day in almost all of the stops.

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